
Mill Stones

For all that have seen the grinding of corn and wondered what the stones looked like that we are using then here are some pictures of the stones. Every winter the park maintenance removes the casing that surrounds the stones and removes the runner stone (top stone) and dress the stones before putting it all back as a working grist mill again.

As you see from the pictures that they are working on the stones and getting them ready for this year.

You can see the furrows on the runner and bedstone along with the leather strap that sweeps the corn to the front of the casing to exit from the chute in front of the casing and into the collection box. From there it will be removed from the collection box to the table to be bagged for sale.

More information about grist stones visit Millstones - Wikipedia.


Gristmill Museum: located in the Pioneer Village on the second and third floors of the Mill.

Second Floor of Gristmill Museum .

Third Floor of Gristmill Museum.